ixigo - Your Travel Planning Assistant


PLAN your trips! Search for best flights & get recommendations where you can travel on your budget.


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ixigo is a powerful travel planning plugin that leverages ChatGPT's conversational AI technology to offer users a whole new travel planning experience. Whether you're looking for the best flights, seeking top-notch restaurants, or planning your entire travel itinerary, ixigo provides you with top-quality service. Its robust features include flight search, restaurant recommendations, and customizable travel itineraries, making travel planning effortless. Moreover, ixigo offers 24*7 customer service, ensuring timely assistance for any queries you may have. In summary, ixigo is an all-in-one travel planning plugin that combines powerful functionality, user-friendliness, and excellent service.


  • Flight Search: Users can easily search for flights and find the most suitable options.
  • Restaurant Recommendations: Based on the user's location, ixigo recommends top-notch restaurants.
  • Travel Planning: Users can plan their entire trip, including customizing travel itineraries.
  • Flight Price or Price Trend Insights: Users can obtain flight prices or price trends for multiple dates.
  • Destination Recommendations: Based on the user's current city, travel history, and preferences, ixigo suggests the most suitable destinations.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the ixigo ChatGPT Plugin?


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