Introduction to Finna Bolag Plugin

Finna Bolag

Seamlessly search for and retrieve Swedish companies' financial data.


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Finna Bolag is a powerful ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for searching and retrieving financial data of Swedish companies. Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or market researcher, Finna Bolag provides you with comprehensive financial information to help you make wise decisions. The plugin is designed to be simple, efficient, and user-friendly. Just enter the registration number of the company, and you can easily access its financial data. If you need to retrieve data from a holding company, Finna Bolag can also meet your needs. In addition, the plugin supports searching for companies by keywords, allowing you to quickly find what you need among a vast amount of Swedish company information.


  • Search for Swedish Companies: Users can quickly access the financial data of a company by entering its registration number.
  • Retrieve Holding Company Data: If users need to retrieve data from a holding company, they can specify it during the query.
  • Keyword Search: The plugin supports searching for companies by keywords, helping users quickly find what they need among a vast amount of Swedish company information.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Finna Bolag Plugin?


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