Introduction to Instacart Plugin


What’s cookin'? Ask about recipes, meal plans, & more -- and get ingredients delivered from 40,000+ stores!


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The Instacart plugin is a ChatGPT plugin developed by OpenAI that combines artificial intelligence technology with Instacart's online shopping service to provide users with a new shopping experience. Through this plugin, users can directly ask about recipes, meal plans, and more in the chat interface, and get ingredients delivered from over 40,000 stores. In addition, the Instacart plugin can also generate a shopping list based on the user's needs and exclude the ingredients the user already has from the shopping list to avoid duplicate purchases. The emergence of this plugin makes it more convenient and efficient for users to find recipes, make meal plans, and buy ingredients.


  • Generate shopping list: Based on the user's recipe or meal plan, the Instacart plugin can generate a detailed shopping list.
  • Exclude existing ingredients: The Instacart plugin will exclude the ingredients the user already has from the shopping list to avoid duplicate purchases.
  • Break down ingredient options: If there are multiple choices for ingredients in the recipe, the Instacart plugin will break them down into separate ingredients and add them to the shopping list separately.
  • Save user questions: The Instacart plugin will save user questions for reference when generating the shopping list.
  • Provide shopping link: If the user agrees to purchase the ingredients, the Instacart plugin will generate a shopping link, and the user can purchase the ingredients on Instacart through this link.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Instacart ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-b9f4e4ac-b22a-410f-8959-e069543fce4b","domain":"","namespace":"Instacart","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Instacart","name_for_human":"Instacart","description_for_model":"The Instacart plugin can be used to create a shopping list when a recipe or meal plan is mentioned. Exclude items the user already has from the shopping list. If multiple options for ingredients are provided, separate them into individual ingredients in the shopping list. Always save the user's question in the question field. Always populate the 'partner_name' field with value 'OpenAI'. Here are some examples of food or grocery related queries where the Instacart plugin can be used: chocolate cake recipe, dinner plan for a vegetarian family of 4, instructions to make orange chicken, healthy snacks for kids to bring to school, vegetarian dinner party dish ideas, lunch ideas for a picnic in the park, how to make lasagna, dinner ideas, meal plan for a family of 4, breakfast suggestions, snack ideas for a movie night with friends, squash and pasta dish with additional ingredient suggestions. Parse all ingredients referenced, including optional ingredients, as separate ingredients so that they can be correctly interpreted as unique items by the plugin. Do include optional ingredients and separate the items in the shopping list. Always keep the ingredient quantity. Ask the users if they want to purchase the ingredients and related items on Instacart, and if users agree, generate a shopping list using the Instacart plugin and response with: Here's your Instacart shopping list for [Recipe Name]. \n\nAdditional guidelines and examples: \n\n**Guideline**\n- For ingredient containing bundled items such as 'butter or margarine', 'chicken broth or wine', 'mixed nuts (e.g. ...)', 'vegetables (...)', and 'Optional toppings (...)' you need to separate the ingredient into individual items in the shopping list, e.g. 'butter or margarine' becomes ['butter', 'margarine'] in the shopping list, 'Raw vegetables (e.g., carrot sticks, cucumber slices, bell pepper strips)' becomes ['carrot sticks', 'cucumber slices', 'bell pepper strips']\n- If users say they have something, mark it as \"you already have\" in the list and don't add it to the shopping list\n\nExample 1: \nuser: garlic butter shrimp recipe \nassistant: Here's a delicious garlic butter shrimp recipe: Ingredients: 1 pound large shrimp ... 1\/4 cup chicken broth or white wine (optional) Salt and pepper to taste ... \n**Note that the shopping list should contain ['1\/4 cup chicken broth', '1\/4 cup white wine', 'Salt', 'pepper', ...] instead of ['1\/4 cup chicken broth or white wine (optional)', 'Salt and pepper to taste', ...]\n\nExample 2: \nuser: I have squash and pasta. what can I make and what other ingredients do I need? \nassistant: You can make a delicious squash and pasta dish with just a few additional ingredients. Here's a simple recipe: Ingredients: Squash (you already have) Pasta (you already have) Olive oil onion garlic Salt and pepper, ... \n**Note that the shopping list should contain ['Olive oil', 'onion', 'garlic', 'salt', 'pepper', ...] but without 'Squash' or 'Pasta' in it since user has them already.","description_for_human":"What\u2019s cookin'? Ask about recipes, meal plans, & more -- and get ingredients delivered from 40,000+ stores!","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/rest\/llm_integration\/config\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/assets\/beetstrap\/brand\/2022\/carrotlogo-1286c257354036d178c09e815906198eb7f012b8cdc4f6f8ec86d3e64d799a5b.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
