Duoduo English - Your AI English Tutor

Duoduo English

Learn and practice English for Duolingo English Test.


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Duoduo English is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for English learners. It provides a wide range of English practice exercises, including reading comprehension, writing prompts, writing samples, and dictation, to help users improve their English proficiency. This plugin is particularly suitable for learners preparing for the Duolingo English test. Through interaction with Duoduo English, users can practice English in authentic contexts, thereby enhancing their language skills. Duoduo English is recognized by over 4,500 universities/institutions/colleges worldwide, making it a highly valuable tool for those aspiring to study at these institutions.


  • Read then Write: Users are given 1-3 questions that they need to write a paragraph of answer for each. After submission, the AI English tutor provides a reference answer and comments on the user's understanding.
  • Writing Sample: Users are given 2-4 questions that they need to write a paragraph of answer for each. After submission, the AI English tutor provides a reference answer and comments on the user's understanding.
  • Listen and Type: Users are given an audio that they need to write by listening to. After submission, the AI English tutor provides a reference answer.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Duoduo English ChatGPT Plugin?


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