Take Code Captures - Easily Create and Share Code Captures

Take Code Captures

Capture, beautify, and share your code snippets easily.


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Take Code Captures is a ChatGPT plugin specially designed for code enthusiasts and developers. It not only allows users to easily capture and share code snippets but also offers various beautification options such as different themes and background colors. Moreover, the plugin provides a series of suggestions and tips to help users better showcase and share their code.


  • Code capturing and screenshot functionality.
  • Offers multiple code beautification themes.
  • Provides a link for online editing of captures.
  • Offers suggestions to improve captures.
  • Feature to explore different themes.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Take Code Captures ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-45cdd19e-73bf-4f70-b51d-03dee26fba51","domain":"takecodecaptures.com","namespace":"take_code_captures","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"take_code_captures","name_for_human":"Take Code Captures","description_for_model":"## When to Use This Plugin\nYou should use this plugin when people want to create code captures or screenshots\n\n## Interpreting the API response\nThis section comes after receiving the api response, follow all these steps in order:\n\n1. The Capture: Render the capture URL in inline using \"![alt text](capture)\" syntax.\n2. Link to open a new tab: Say \"[Open capture in new tab](capture)\".\n3. Link to edit capture: Say \"[Edit capture online](editCaptureOnline)\"\n4. Key phrase 'show ideas': Say \"To view ideas to improve the capture, use the key phrase \"*show ideas*\"\"\n5. Key phrase 'explore themes': Say \"To explore other themes, use the key phrase \"*explore themes*\"\"\n\nPlease note:\n- Don't describe the capture textually because the capture is self-explanatory and saying it would be redundant unless the user asks for it.\n- Is important to follow all these steps, from the capture to the key phrases.\n\n## Handle error messages from API response\n- If an errorMessage is included in the response: show it to the user, don't try to render the capture inline, still suggest they can edit it online or try again.\n\n## Ideas to improve the capture\n1. Say \"**Ideas to improve the capture:**\". \n2. Provide an unordered list of between 3 and 4 items, the items follow a pattern \"**{reason}**: {explanation}\".\n\nPlease note:\n- Only say it when the user asks for it by using their respective key phrase \"show ideas\"\n- Do not suggest ideas that are not implemented in the API, for example: fonts, zoom, etc. Only suggest ideas related to the implemented features in the API, for example: themes, background color, window theme, selected lines, etc. \n\n## Explore themes of captures\n1. Say \"**Explore the following themes:**\".\n2. Provide an ordered list of 10 themes with items following a pattern \"**{theme}**: {description}\".\n\nPlease note:\n- Only say it when the user asks for it by using their respective key phrase \"explore themes\"\n- Use the voice of an expert salesman for each theme's description\n- The first themes should be themes that the user might like\n\n## Tips:\n- When using the render endpoint, the openApiSchemaVersion parameter is always \"1.0\"\n- The theme parameter is always 'seti' unless the user asks for it\n- When using a custom background (the background color around the code): If the theme's background is DARK, then use a LIGHT custom background; if the theme's background is LIGHT, then use a DARK custom background. \n\n## Theme colors:\nid, dark_mode, background, text, variable, attribute, definition, keyword, operator, property, number, string, comment, meta, tag\ndracula-pro, true, darkslategray, whitesmoke, lightgreen, lightgreen, lightgreen, hotpink, hotpink, skyblue, plum, khaki, slategray, whitesmoke, hotpink\nsolarized light, false, oldlace, slategray, lightslategray, lightseagreen, lightseagreen, chocolate, slateblue, lightseagreen, mediumvioletred, olive, dimgray, olive, darkgray\nnight-owl, true, black, darkgray, lightskyblue, salmon, lightskyblue, plum, plum, white, salmon, burlywood, dimgray, skyblue, skyblue\ncobalt, true, midnightblue, white, paleturquoise, violet, white, khaki, white, white, violet, limegreen, dodgerblue, orange, paleturquoise\nmonokai, true, darkslategray, whitesmoke, whitesmoke, yellowgreen, darkorange, deeppink, white, yellowgreen, mediumpurple, khaki, dimgray, dimgray, palevioletred\nhopscotch, true, darkslategray, lightgray, yellowgreen, yellowgreen, darkorange, indianred, white, yellowgreen, indianred, sandybrown, firebrick, dimgray, indianred\nmaterial, true, darkslategray, darkslategray, lightskyblue, sandybrown, darkslategray, darkcyan, darkslategray, mediumaquamarine, salmon, khaki, dimgray, mediumaquamarine, darkslategray\none-light, false, darkslategray, darkgray, lightcoral, darksalmon, burlywood, orchid, mediumturquoise, mediumturquoise, darksalmon, darkseagreen, dimgray, darkgray, lightcoral\npanda-syntax, true, darkslategray, gainsboro, sandybrown, sandybrown, gainsboro, hotpink, whitesmoke, whitesmoke, sandybrown, aqua, dimgray, mediumpurple, deeppink\ntwilight, true, black, whitesmoke, slategray, darkkhaki, slategray, khaki, darkkhaki, white, peru, gray, gray, whitesmoke, sienna\nduotone-dark, true, darkslategray, dimgray, navajowhite, navajowhite, lavender, navajowhite, sandybrown, mediumpurple, navajowhite, lightsalmon, dimgray, dimgray, lavender\nzenburn, true, darkslategray, lightgray, burlywood, burlywood, lightgray, wheat, antiquewhite, burlywood, lightgray, rosybrown, gray, wheat, skyblue\none-dark, true, snow, darkslategray, lightcoral, darksalmon, royalblue, darkorchid, darkcyan, royalblue, olive, seagreen, darkgray, darkslategray, tomato\nbase16-dark, true, black, gainsboro, darkkhaki, mediumblue, peru, sienna, white, darkkhaki, rosybrown, burlywood, sienna, dimgray, sienna\nbase16-light, false, whitesmoke, black, darkkhaki, darkkhaki, peru, sienna, black, darkkhaki, rosybrown, burlywood, sienna, dimgray, sienna\nseti, true, black, lightgray, mediumturquoise, yellowgreen, mediumturquoise, burlywood, yellowgreen, mediumpurple, indianred, mediumturquoise, darkslategray, mediumturquoise, mediumturquoise\noceanic-next, true, darkslategray, whitesmoke, whitesmoke, plum, cornflowerblue, plum, white, darkseagreen, coral, darkseagreen, dimgray, dimgray, plum\nlucario, true, darkslategray, whitesmoke, whitesmoke, skyblue, darkseagreen, tomato, skyblue, whitesmoke, plum, khaki, cornflowerblue, whitesmoke, tomato\nyeti, false, linen, silver, mediumturquoise, darkkhaki, mediumturquoise, darkkhaki, darkkhaki, mediumpurple, mediumpurple, lightsteelblue, silver, lightsteelblue, lightsteelblue\nparaiso-dark, true, darkslategray, silver, mediumseagreen, mediumseagreen, orange, tomato, white, mediumseagreen, slategray, gold, hotpink, dimgray, tomato\nsolarized dark, true, darkslategray, lightslategray, lightslategray, lightseagreen, lightseagreen, chocolate, slateblue, lightseagreen, mediumvioletred, olive, dimgray, olive, darkgray\nvscode, true, black, lightgray, lightskyblue, darksalmon, palegoldenrod, orchid, lightgray, palegoldenrod, silver, darksalmon, olivedrab, lightgray, cornflowerblue\nverminal, true, black, white, lightpink, darksalmon, dodgerblue, lightskyblue, hotpink, deepskyblue, darksalmon, darkseagreen, dimgray, darkgray, lightcoral\na11y-dark, true, darkslategray, whitesmoke, darkturquoise, yellowgreen, gold, lightsalmon, whitesmoke, yellowgreen, thistle, gold, silver, silver, thistle\nblackboard, true, black, whitesmoke, orangered, darkgray, darkgray, gold, white, white, greenyellow, limegreen, darkgray, greenyellow, darkgray\nnord, true, darkslategray, gainsboro, skyblue, darkgray, gainsboro, darkgray, darkgray, gainsboro, darkgray, darkseagreen, dimgray, darkgray, darkgray\nshades-of-purple, true, darkslategray, white, paleturquoise, paleturquoise, paleturquoise, orange, orange, gold, lightcoral, palegreen, mediumorchid, orange, paleturquoise\nsynthwave-84, true, darkslategray, darkgray, deeppink, lavenderblush, white, linen, linen, white, salmon, coral, lightslategray, coral, deeppink\n3024-night, true, black, lightgray, seagreen, mediumblue, thistle, crimson, white, seagreen, gray, yellow, darkkhaki, dimgray, n\/a\n","description_for_human":"Capture, beautify, and share your code snippets easily.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/takecodecaptures.com\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/takecodecaptures.com\/logo.svg","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/takecodecaptures.com\/legal"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
